Have you ever found yourself wondering what to put in an email to your clients? What will grab their attention? What will entice them to actually read the email correspondence you put so much time into creating?
What is the secret to email that works?
Here are the best 8 Email tips for Real Estate Agents and how you can start utilizing these strategies today!
1. Keep it Brief
You are busy, your clients are busy, and you would be surprised by how many people skim rather than actually read their emails.
Make sure you keep your email brief and state your purpose in the very first sentence. You want your clients to know what information you’re trying to convey as quickly as possible.
If you find that you have more than two or three paragraphs in the body of your email, consider rewriting it to make it more concise.
2. Be Friendly
Use courteous but not overly formal salutations. When answering a question, don’t just dive right into your response. Take a second to say, “Hi Joe, nice to hear from you,” before you reply. Also, while brevity is important, a short and friendly line that isn’t all business can go a long way. A simple sentence like “I hope you had a nice weekend” or “I hope you’re having a great day so far” can really perk up the overall impression that you make.
Be sure not to use ALL CAPITALS in your emails because that generally means you’re SHOUTING at someone. Likewise, use full, completely grammatical sentences that include proper punctuation.
3. Keep it Professional
In your role as a real estate agent, there’s a fine line between friendliness and being
too casual. In this busy, digital age we live in, it’s sometimes easy to revert to the communication style that’s fastest and easiest. However, that isn’t always the right way to make a great impression on your clients.
Don't include any 'text speak', even if it’s only a short reply to a client question. You might not personally react to a 'plz' and 'thx' but your clients might be very unimpressed, and even turned off. Keep in mind that your emails should always be gracious and professional.
4. Spelling and Grammar Matter
Always proofread and spell check your writing before you hit send! It might take a few extra minutes, but if you miss that one typo, your clients might wonder what else you're missing when it comes to selling their home.
Utilizing even the most basic professionalism techniques can put you head and shoulders above your competition who isn't willing to put that small amount of extra time into their emails.
5. Be Attentive and Prompt
It’s both polite and professional to reply to emails promptly. Your clients will love you if you’re courteous and timely and even if you're busy, it’s great to make them think they are your number one priority!
If you’ve received a message on your phone that will require a longer response than you have time to give right now, consider replying with a quick message like, “Hi Joe, this is a great question and I want to answer in more detail when I’m back at the office. I’ll get back to you ASAP. Thanks!” Then make sure to mark the email as unread so that you don’t lose track of it.
6. Ace the Welcome Email
The Welcome Email is the first email your client will receive from you. If they’ve made their enquiry online, it might be your very first connection with them. If you’ve met in person or by phone, it will be your immediate follow up.
It’s important to ace this correspondence so that you can keep their attention, make them feel great about the relationship, and reinforce the integrity of your personal brand. You want them to know in this Welcome Email why YOU are the best agent to work with. Mention your years of experience, how many homes you’ve listed or sold, and what they can expect from your relationship. This email is your first written impression so you want to make it great.
7. Keep your Contacts Organized
Every Real Estate agent generally has three categories of clients: Leads, Clients, and Past Clients. It’s helpful to categorize your email base so that you can stay in touch with each group of people at appropriate times, and with information that’s relevant to them.
For example, your past clients who have already used your services and purchased a house probably won't be interested in new listings. However, you’ll still want to stay in touch with them with occasional updates. They might be interested in the benefits of your referral program or connecting with you on LinkedIn, and it’s always a good idea to say hello a couple of times a year, such as around the holiday season.
Your Seller Leads may not be interested in the new listings you just put up, but they’ll want to know who is the best person to hire to sell their home and how much their home is worth. A specific email that hits both of those points is perfect for Seller Leads, but maybe not for other clients in your email list.
Make your email relevant to your customer and give them value.
8. Make Every Email Actionable
One of the most important items you can include in your email is a Call to Action or CTA. Yes, you want to give your client useful, relevant information about yourself and about your listings, but if they never schedule a follow up appointment with you or refer you to their friends, you may not be getting all the benefits you could from your email efforts.
Include a Call to Action in every email by adding a link in your emails, or even a button. Invite them to give you a call, visit your website, make an appointment, or meet with you for a coffee to discuss their needs. Don’t forget to ask clients to connect with you on LinkedIn, and always include your social media links as well as your website in your email signature.
By including a Call to Action, you’ll give your clients something to do right now before they click away from your email that will get you one step closer to sealing the deal.
Putting Email Tips Into Action
Remember, every time you hand out a
business card, and you receive contact information from a new potential client, the next step should be to follow up with a terrific email. Knowing how to write a great email, and managing your business email in general is an important skill that every successful real estate agent must master. Test out these 8 tips in your emails today to give your client's value and stand above your competition.