• Create Your Real Estate Business Cards and Stationery
  • Superior Quality Printing
  • Enhance Your Real Estate Brand
  • Market Your Real Estate Brand
  • Create Your Social Media Images

What do your Real Estate Marketing Materials Say About Your Personal Brand?

How successful is your marketing strategy?

Many real estate agents don’t really think about what their marketing strategy and materials really say about them. They think, “Oh, I’m a real estate agent, so I’m going to need business cards, signs, stationery…”, but they don’t really consider what they’re communicating through these marketing materials.

Every single piece of marketing collateral that you use should have a specific purpose and message you’re conveying to prospective and current clients. Keeping this core strategy in mind is what makes the difference between an agent who is just going through the marketing motions and one who is engaged with their marketing and to the cause and effect of their efforts. Tailoring your marketing to connect yourself with those who are looking for someone to represent them in real estate can make all the difference in your success.

Real Estate Business Cards

We would argue that having professionally printed and designed real estate business cards is an absolutely essential element of your marketing materials. A professional business card, adorned with your company’s branding, your contact information, and your photo, shows prospective clients that you’re serious about selling real estate. You aren’t an amateur just out to make a buck, this is your business.

You should have a handful of business cards on you at all times, especially in social situations, just in case you discover a lead in the course of casual conversation. Handing someone a physical business card can create a tactile connection between you, which is something that digital marketing materials can’t simulate. That said…

Digital Suite

In today’s real estate world, digital marketing is just as important as print marketing. Millennials prefer to do business and to interact online, which means that you need professionally designed digital marketing materials for everything from email correspondence to your social media pages. By having a robust digital presence, you’ll demonstrate to an entire category of client that you want to connect with them through their preferred method of communication.

Our Digital Suite of products includes a digital version of your real estate business card, an electronic signature, high-quality cover images for your Facebook and Twitter pages, and more. It’s everything you need to develop the online presence that you need in today’s market.


When you’re sending out letters, newsletters, or documents, having personalized stationery will give your correspondence that polished edge that communicates to your clients that they’re working with a professional.

A real estate agent can expect to be mailing out many documents every day. This is why having a simple and elegant letterhead and customized envelopes with your branding can set you apart from the crowd. When a client is shuffling through their mail, they’ll instantly recognize correspondence from you at a moment’s glance rather than having to open the letter to find out who it’s from.

Car Magnets

As a real estate agent, you’re pretty much dependant on your car. Not only does it get you to showings and open houses, it also carries all of your equipment and marketing materials. Since you’ll be finding yourself driving around an awful lot, is there any reason that you shouldn’t take advantage of the huge advertising opportunity of putting branded car magnets on your doors?

By adding simple and effective branded car magnets to your ride, you’ll suddenly find yourself driving around in a mobile billboard! To anyone who’s out and about in their own car, this will communicate that you’re active and engaged, looking to reach out to new clients. It’s a method of advertising that many real estate agents don’t take advantage of, so using your car to advertise will set you apart from the pack.


These are just a few of the things that your marketing materials communicate about you and your business. Your choice of materials will define your message, so you need to make sure that everything is professionally printed and designed to present your best self to your clients. At SureFactor, designing all of these products, and more, is a snap with our specialized customization tools. Every product we sell comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, as well as a low price guarantee. Please visit SureFactor’s website today to discover the vast array of real estate marketing materials that could be at your disposal within just a few days!